Trump’s Campaign in Disarray: Insiders Report Fears of a Breakdown

Donald Trump is reportedly facing significant stress and anger, according to two former associates, as he senses his campaign slipping away. Close polls and concerns about his decision to select J.D. Vance as his running mate have fueled Trump’s frustration, with insiders fearing a possible breakdown.

“I think he’s feeling the election slip from his grasp, which is why you’re seeing him spiral and cling to conspiracy theories,” said Sarah Matthews, a former spokesperson for Trump, during an interview with MSNBC.

Republicans and key donors are increasingly anxious about Trump’s erratic campaign strategy, which has largely centered on aggressive personal attacks against Kamala Harris rather than focusing on key issues like immigration, the economy, and crime. The former president’s fixation on Harris, who is running for the presidency, has left many worried about the direction of his campaign.

Trump’s “Terrible Choice”

Trump’s dissatisfaction with his campaign has led him to blame his associates, particularly his vice-presidential pick, J.D. Vance. “He picked Vance – he knows Vance was a terrible, terrible pick,” said Anthony Scaramucci, who briefly served as White House Communications Director during Trump’s administration.

Scaramucci described this as typical behavior for Trump, noting that when things go wrong, Trump tends to lash out, look for scapegoats, and fire people. Matthews, who resigned from her role as Trump’s spokesperson shortly after his inauguration, shares a similar view. She believes the country cannot endure another Trump presidency and has withdrawn her support.

Hiding and Shifting Blame

Reports suggest that Trump is considering firing campaign managers Chris LaCivita and Susie Wiles, both of whom Scaramucci describes as “very talented people.” As Trump remains secluded at Mar-a-Lago, attempting to deflect blame for his campaign’s struggles, Kamala Harris is actively campaigning in swing states, making the most of the time left before the election.

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